Caraibi Seaplane Stations of NW per FS2002 PROFESSIONAL (or English version) - 3D\Night Texture\Seasons tree texture.
Made by Carlo Benenti,22036 Erba (Co) Italy. Dicembre 2001

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A little bit of seaplane stations don't do any harm, particularly in FS2002, whic is totally void of them.
The location of these sceneries is in any case based on mere immagination:
I've never (sob! .:-) travelles beyons Europe; therefore the reality of caribbean locations was picked up from touristic folders, FS Navigator and the data taken out FS2002.
This file contains the first SeaPlane Stations, from Cat Island to San Juan de Portorico and a Oil Platform for Helicopters plus the seaplane station.
The next two folders, which are on the way (any time go to my home page:, you should to find that)
will reach up to trinidat.
All Seaplane Stations are equipped with Radio Assistence, which can be found either on the enclosed file .txt or during the flyng phase with the option "world\Map sight" or on the "GPS".
The important thing is remember of to use a seaplane :-).


-Unzip the file "Texture.Zip" and to insert with Copy\Past the files "Texture" of folder "FS2K2texture" in the "Texture" main folder of FS2002. If you find yourself with a double file, choose the voice "NO" to the substitution request.

-To insert the folder "CaraibiSeaplane ofNW" (with the subfolder "Scenery" e "texture" ) in the "Scenedb" folder of FS2002
Do not use the folder "Add on Scenery", it is more simply, after, to find the scenery in "Search Places".


- To start FS2002, and be shure of this configuration:
To open "Settings" and after "Display". In "Global Scenery Quality" choose "MEDIUM" or "High"
if you use "Minimal" or "Low" you should cannot to see some texture of the scenery.

- Return on "setting"\"Scenery Librery"\"Add Area"\"Scenedb" and only a one clic on the folder with the name of Seaplane Station. Clic "OK", the scenery will be in charge.

Happy Fly :-)

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.